At the all members meeting on 20th November, 2024 the University of Nottingham UCU branch voted to adopt a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions pledge as part of our broader solidarity with Palestinians against the Israeli occupation, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and plausible genocide. All UoN staff (including academic and professional staff as well as PhD students) are invited to join the signatories in committing to the BDS movement for Palestine.
Free Palestine.
Other University Pledges
BDS pledge for economics and beyond
EURAMAL statement against the war on Gaza
Open Letter on Palestine, Boycott Divestment and Sanctions for Birkbeck Staff
KCL Staff Commit to the BDS Movement for Palestine
LSE Divest: Staff and Faculty Petition
Sydney Staff for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
University of Leeds workers’ pledge
University of Toronto Faculty Pledge for the Academic Boycott of Israel – F4P
Successful University BDS Campaigns
Universities that have cut ties with, or divested from, Israel
University of Ghent (Cutting academic ties)
University of Antwerp (cutting academic ties)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (Free University of Brussels) (In the process of cutting academic ties, reviewing all 7 research projects, already cancelled 1)
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) (divestment and cutting academic ties)
University of Windsor (disclosure, divestment, scholarships, no insitutional ties, calling for immediate ceasefire and decolonisation)
University of Chile, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (cutting academic ties)
University of Copenhagen (Divestment)
King’s College London (divestement from contraversial weapons manufacturing)
University of York (divestment)
Manchester Metropolitan University (dropping Barclays banking)
University of Helsinki (cut academic ties with Israel)
Trinity College Dublin (divestment, supporting Palestinian scholars)
Mexico’s Centre for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE) (cutting academic ties with Israel, condemns genocide)
The National Autonomous University of Mexico (cutting academic ties, calling for immediate ceasefire)
Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) (cut academic ties)
Dutch Royal Academy of Arts (cut academic ties)
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (cut academic ties)
Northern Ireland
Queens University Belfast (divestment, immediate ceasefire, support for Palestine staff and students)
Oslo Metropolitan University (cut academic ties with Israel)
The University of South Eastern Norway (cut academic ties with Israel)
The University of Bergen (cut academic ties with Israel)
Bergen School of Architecture (cut academic ties with Israel)
Nord University (cut academic ties with Israel)
University of Stavanger (cut instutitional and procurement agreements)
South Africa
School of Social Sciences (SOSS) at the University of the Witwatersrand (boycott)
- University of Barcelona (cutting academic ties with Israel including excluding them from Horizon Europe programme)
- University of Grenada (cutting academic ties with Israel)
- University of Oviedo (cutting academic ties with Israel)
- Autonomous University of Barcelona (cutting academic ties with Israel)
Swansea University (divestment from Barclays, scholarships)
Universities that are reviewing divestment or ties with Israel
Abdelmalek Essaadi University (reviewing academic ties)
Brown University (vote on divestment in October)
Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington (Reviewing Divestment)
Galway University (reviewing divestment, call for immediate ceasefire)
Leiden University (reviewing academic ties)
Trinity College Cambridge (reviewing divestment, but no official statement by the college)
University of Ljubliana (reviewing academic ties, calling for ceasefire and condemning genocide)