Notice of Annual General Meeting (26th June) and invitation to join Branch Committee alongside regional and national roles

The University of Nottingham UCU Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place online at 1pm on Wednesday 26 June (Zoom link to follow in members email).

The AGM is the venue for you as members to approve (or reject) individuals to serve as Officers and ordinary Branch Committee members for 2024/25.

Every post in the list below is now open for nominations – please consider putting yourself forward!

New people bring new thinking, which is essential for the Committee to continue to support members effectively. Where existing Committee members would like to continue for another academic year, they will also require approval from the AGM.

If you are interested in joining the Branch Committee but want to get a feel for what it’s like first, or otherwise have questions about any of branch, regional or national roles listed below, please email Someone from the current Committee will be happy to have an informal chat. You can also Brief descriptions of Officer roles also appear in section 8 of the Branch Rules.

To put yourself forward for a post, please email our Returning Officer, Kitty Howarth (, cc Tony Simmonds, Branch Secretary (

Branch Rules require that each nominee must be backed in writing by two other members, who should confirm their support by emailing to the same addresses.

The deadline for receipt of nominations and messages of support will be 5pm on Friday 24 May.

If there is more than one candidate for an Officer vacancy, or more candidates than there are vacancies for ordinary members of the committee, a ballot of members of the Branch will be conducted. The results of any ballots will be announced at the AGM.

The list of Branch Committee posts to be filled:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Membership Secretary
  • Anti-casualisation Officer
  • APM Officer
  • Casework Coordinator
  • Communications Officer
  • Equality Officer
  • Green / Environment Officer
  • Health & Safety Officer
  • Workload Officer
  • Pensions Officer
  • Women’s Officer
  • Ordinary committee members (i.e. members without portfolio)

We also welcome expressions of interest in the following regional and national representative roles:

  • UCU East Midlands Regional Council Representative
  • UCU Branch Delegate Meeting Delegate
  • UCU Congress Delegate
  • UCU Equality Standing Committees
  • UCU Special Sector Conference Delegate
  • Nottingham Trades Council Delegate