Why Join UCU

Join UCU – just click the link to find all relevant information and joining details.

Who are we?

UCU represents academic staff at the University of Nottingham, and APM staff at Level 4 and above. This was most recently confirmed by the October 2024 Recognition Agreement signed by the University of Nottingham, and the local branches of UCU, Unite and Unison.

APM staff at Levels 1-3 are encouraged to join Unison (Operations and Facilities) or Unite (Technical Services). UCU is the largest union on the campus, and one of the largest branches in UCU nationally. The union is organised through a Branch Committee and has a network of Departmental Contacts.  Members’ views are important to us – we always canvas member views on important issues and at members’ meetings all members have the chance to decide union policy.  Branch officers meet regularly with the University management to discuss and negotiate around a broad range of issues.

Why join UCU?

You never know when you might need the union – UCU officers undertake a large volume of individual casework on behalf of members.  In many cases, these members never expected to need the union. For all sorts of reasons, often unanticipated, individual protection is essential. Please be aware that some forms of union support (such as legal support) are not available if they relate to a problem that pre-dates joining the union.

A voice at work – UCU officers work hard to represent the views of staff to management.  On a wide range of issues UCU officers represent the collective interests of staff. UCU’s voice is independent and democratic.  By joining UCU you help make our voice louder.

Speaking up for universities, university staff and academic freedom – UCU is a campaigning voice that makes the case for universities and the people who work in them.  The principle of the university is under attack from those who want to turn universities into businesses – charging higher fees to students and driving down costs (including pay).  Challenging these developments requires organisation. UCU organises locally and nationally to defend the principle of the university as a public good and access to university education as a right, not a privilege.