This week, on Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 February.
Picket lines are a show of strength and solidarity and we ask all members who are able to join the picket line to do so. Children are welcome too – particularly during half term or when teachers are on strike. We have pavement chalk! Children’s safety is, of course, the responsibility of their parents/carers.
There will be pickets from 08:15-11:00am on every strike day at University Park South and West Entrances, as well as Jubilee Campus Derby Road entrance.
This week we need to show our strength and determination to support our negotiators in the room with UCEA and UUK. Join us! Never cross a picket line!
Love your staff – March and rally on Wed 15 Feb, 12 noon UP South

Love your staff! On Wednesday 15 February we will march and rally to demand that our university love their staff! Because we don’t buy into the commercial exploitation of love on Valentine’s Day, we march on Slap Day! Homemade placards and themed chants encouraged, email or tweet us your ideas or join the collective brainstorming on the pickets on Tues 14 Feb.
The march will set off from University Park South Entrance at 12 noon and follow the route in the attached, high tech map. There will be two stops for short speeches outside Chemistry building and on Portland steps.
We want to be seen and heard, so make sure you come adequately prepared.
Online solidarity space – Tues 14 Feb and Thurs 16 Feb
We understand that some members are not able to be on the picket line due to disability, health conditions, caring responsibilities and/or distance. We will have a zoom room open between 09:00-10:30 as a space of online solidarity, it is open to anybody who wants to drop in to chat and keep each other company or to ask any questions about ongoing action and its impact.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 1338 8840
Passcode: 823426
Next week…
If we still have to strike next week (Tues 21, Wed 22, Thurs 23) to protect our pay and pensions, we are planning following events:
Tues 21, 2pm – online meeting with UCU national negotiators in both disputes (confirmed so far: Mark Taylor-Batty, Jackie Grant, Deepa Driver and Marian Mayer)
Wed 22 – we march again
There are also these two events organised by the independent Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ):
20 February at 6 p.m. via Zoom: River Butterworth (SU Education Officer) – Demilitarise UoN: Why the University is not committed to human rights. For a free ticket, register at
27 February at 6 p.m. via Zoom: Steve Battlemuch (Head of Campaigns PCS and local Labour Party Councillor) – Strikes are back – Can they win? For a free ticket, register at
National fighting fund
Members taking part in industrial action can make a claim from UCU’s national fighting fund.
Payment from the National UCU fighting fund is made:
- in the sum of £50 for the second and subsequent days of strike action for members earning £30,000 gross or more per annum (this is subject to a cap of 11 days. This will be kept under review); and,
- in the sum of up to £75 for the second and subsequent days of strike action for members earning less than £30,000 gross per annum (this is subject to a cap of 11 days. This will be kept under review).
In order to make a claim to the Natonal Fighting Fund members need to:
- be paying subscriptions at the correct rate (if any subscription is payable);
- have participated in official strike action for which officers have agreed to make funds available; and,
- provide evidence of deduction from your salary or loss of earnings for strike action.
The current HE dispute (UCU Rising) started on 24 November. 1 February is the fourth day of action.
Local Hardship Fund
Further support is available to members who face financial hardship via the local hardship fund. We can provide up to £25 per day.
By ‘hardship’ we mean colleagues who will genuinely struggle to cover everyday costs, for example (but not limited to):
- Childcare including nursery fees;
- Care costs for elderly or disabled family members*;
- Medical expenses, for example prescription charges or paid-for therapy that is not covered by private medical insurance;
- Basic food provisions;
- Topping up prepayment (‘pay-as-you-go’) gas and electricity meters;
- Rent;
- Emergency transport costs.
* By ‘family’ we mean people with whom you have a close, interdependent relationship.
Please email your request to You will need to show evidence of a submitted claim to the national fighting fund, together with relevant supporting documentation.
If you need money urgently please contact the branch; we may be able to provide you with a loan, which will need to be paid back once you have received money from the Fighting Fund.
Spreading deductions
The University has confirmed that members who wish to spread deductions beyond April to alleviate financial challenges should contact the HR department to request this. Decisions will be made on a case by case basis.
Dispute Organising Group (DOG)
18 days of action require a lot of organising and planning and we need help from members. If you are able to help organise our collective action, please respond to this email or contact