Motion on Higher Education Sector Finance

The following motion was passed at the Wednesday 3rd February branch meeting.

This meeting notes:

  • the lack of leadership from the University of Nottingham in publicly lobbying the government for a sector wide deal.

This union branch believes:

  • Whilst other sectors have had success in openly challenging Government to step in and support them, the only defence of HE has come from unions, whilst UUK has remained mute. Financial losses incurred by universities due to the pandemic should not be borne by staff who have been working under immense pressure to continue to deliver high quality education to our students.
  • that without a sector wide deal financial losses will be unsustainable and the damage to the sector irreversible.

Therefore, this meeting resolves:

  • to urge the University of Nottingham to use its weight within UUK and the Russell Group to publicly lobby the UK Government to provide adequate financial support.