Teach-outs and events this week: March 2 – 5

Monday 2nd March

Crafts for Pickets: Come and learn crocheting, finger knitting, and needle felting to make a variety of crafts for the picket line (intimidating bunting!) and/or for relaxation. No experience is necessary and a variety of materials will be provided.

Talk: ‘Brexit and Citizen Rights’ Narine Ghazaryan, School of Law (talk will begin at 2pm)

1 – 3 pm. Dunkirk Community Centre, Montpelier Road NG7 2JW

Tuesday 3rd March

Talk: ‘The power of statistics: how to spot fake news’ Rosie Smith, School of Education

Talk: ‘Well-being and resilience at work’ Neil Chadborne, School of Medicine

1 -3 pm. Middle Street Resource Centre, 74 Middle Street, Beeston NG9 2AR

Wednesday 4th March

Free yoga: For all stages including beginners. Bring your own yoga mat/there will be 12 provided by the instructor. Class size limit: 20, so first come first served. The session will last 45 minutes.

1 – 2pm, Middle Street Resource Centre, 74 Middle Street, Beeston NG9 2AR

And in the evening…

Music, dancing, and drinks. With special guest UCU secretary Jo Grady. Free, everyone welcome!

7.30pm – late. Vat and Fiddle, 12 Queensbridge Rd, NG2 1NB

Thursday 5th March

Workshop: ‘The Changing Face of Community Education in the East Midlands: Implications for Adult and Higher Education’ Colin Kirkwood, Rob Hunter, Lorinda
Liversidge, John Holford, Linden West

This workshop, organised with Workers’ Educational Association (WEA – East Midlands Region), provides an opportunity to reflect on what our communities need, and what kinds of response is required from the education system – especially from universities, colleges and adult education organisations such as the WEA. Please click on link above for more information.

2 – 4.30pm, Nottingham Mechanics (Lounge), 3 North Sherwood Street, NG1 4EZ