Summary of Meeting with UoN – Student Experience / Blended Teaching

UCU met with University management to discuss concerns on the 11th Nov 2020

UCU concerns:

We are still in a position where we are asking staff to deliver in person teaching in the middle of a lockdown. As you know, UCU national position is that all non-essential activity should move online and, as local branch, we have asked that online teaching and working be the default position, with staff being given the choice to opt-in to face to face. We believe that this would be the best solution for all concerned. It is unlikely to result in great disruption to the current provision and changes would be manageable.

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Summary of Meeting with UoN – Finance

UCU met with University management to discuss concerns on the 11th Nov 2020

UCU asked for update, with info re Covid spending

UoN update:

When Covid struck in March, we lost £43m income (commercial, research, tuition), approximately half of it related to a reduction in research income. We would have been in dire straits in August, at the end of the financial year, and therefore had to introduce stringent spend controls. The Emergency Finance Group chaired by Andy Long was created to monitor spend. The finance plan worked better than anticipated and the net debt position (£100m) is as strong as we could have hoped going into this financial year.

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Summary of Meeting with UoN – Health & Safety

UCU met with University management to discuss concerns on the 11th Nov 2020

UCU concerns:

Data of asymptomatic testing is not made available, allegedly due to ethical approval issues. The ethical approval should be reviewed so that data can be shared.

Testing on site needs to be more accessible, particularly for BAME staff and students Rise in staff active cases earlier this week.

Suitability of ventilation in smaller rooms, especially with requirement of keeping windows open and weather becoming colder.

Number of students coming forward for test (both asymptomatic and symptomatic dropping), due to fears of being required to self-isolate. There are also serious concerns regarding student compliance with H&S measures, like wearing masks in study spaces and buildings.

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UCU calls on the University of Nottingham to change course on Covid and move all non-essential activity online.

The University of Nottingham ploughs on with in-person activities despite national lockdown

Thursday, 05 November 2020

The University of Nottingham has confirmed that it intends to continue with its current teaching, research and working patterns, without making any changes even in the wake of the Government’s announcement of new lockdown measures, which will enter into force on 5 November. The local UCU branch, in line with national UCU policy, is calling on the University’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Shearer West, to exercise her autonomy as Vice Chancellor to move all non-essential in-person activity online.

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